The Yijing, or I Ching, is a book of divination originating from the ancient Wu 巫 (Shaman and enlightened beings) of China. The Yijing has been used in China for thousands of years, and is considered to be the root of ancient Chinese science and civilization, and can also be used to gain deep insights into the practice of Chinese medicine, spiritual cultivation, martial arts, and the rhythms of Nature and of our daily lives. It contains three layers of wisdom: Xiang 象 (symbolism), Shu 數 (numerology), and Li 理 (philosophy).
In the West, most versions of the Yijing only discuss Li, or philosophy, and offer little in terms of practical application of Yijing wisdom. Traditionally, in order to attain full understanding of this ancient knowledge and develop the skills to apply this wisdom in daily life, we must first master two things:*
1. Shu 數 (Numbers) – The key to the divination method is understanding the transition from a number to a Gua 卦 (trigram or hexagram).
2. Xiang 象 (Symbol) – After we determine the Gua 卦 from the number, we need to understand the symbolic meaning of the Gua 卦 in order to interpret its contextual meaning.
Throughout history, high-level Yijing masters have regarded the practical Yijing information on Xiang and Shu as the secret keys to the mystical gates of the Universe and the human being.
*Li, Ling. Zhongguo Fangshu Kao. (Beijing: Dongfang Chubanshe, 2000: 260).
Master Wu offers beginning and advanced workshops on Classical Yijing divination systems.
His award winning book, Seeking the Spirit of the Book of Change, has been hailed as “…one of the finest interpretations of the I CHING on the planet.”…
Traditional Daoist arts align us with the Dao, the Great Way of Nature
Master Wu provides private consultations in each of the Daoist healing and movement arts to support people through challenging times and to make specific life style recommendations that help improve health, quality of life, relationships and business success.
If interested, please check the training schedule to see when he is next in your area and send us an email to set up your appointment!
If you are currently in the Stockholm, Sweden area and would like to make an appointment with Master Wu at his office at his Hälsans Hus Stockholm office, please book your appointment via BokaDirekt.
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