Taiji is an ancient way of physical and spiritual cultivation which enables us to access the Dao, the Great Way of Nature. Traditional Taiji forms are precisely choreographed to create a relaxed mind-body dance that stretches and strengthens the entire body. The slow, deliberate movements develop health, balance, and grace.
Essentially, Taiji is an art form that brings the practitioner into physical, mental, and spiritual awareness and connection with the microcosm (human being) and the macrocosm (universe).
Master Wu teaches China’s esoteric Zhaobao He-style Taiji form, the roots of which trace back to Hidden Immortal Lineage Taiji.
Master Wu provides private consultations in each of the Daoist healing and movement arts to support people through challenging times and to make specific life style recommendations that help improve health, quality of life, relationships and business success.
If interested, please check the training schedule to see when he is next in your area and send us an email to set up your appointment!
If you are currently in the Stockholm, Sweden area and would like to make an appointment with Master Wu at his office at his Hälsans Hus Stockholm office, please email Master Wu.
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