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Qinxin II CD


In Chinese wisdom traditions, Qin music is called Qinxin, or Heart Music (Musical Heart), and it represents the rhythm of the Dao or the Universe itself.

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The Qin is an ancient classical Chinese musical instrument.  Chinese hermit and scholars have been using the Qin as a vehicle for spiritual cultivation and peace for over a thousand years.  In Chinese wisdom traditions, Qin music is called Qinxin, or Heart Music (Musical Heart), and it represents the rhythm of the Dao or the Universe itself.

Song tracks and samples:

1.  PuAnZhou (The Mantra of PuAn)

It is said that ancient Shamanic Master PuAn cultivated in a very high level of spiritual energy and that his energy could bring good luck and protection to people who heard his mantra: PuAnZhou.

This piece will be great for energetic purification and cleansing in your healing and spiritual transformation work.


2.  AoAi (A Voice of the Heart)

Imagine you are relaxing on a boat that is slowly floating down a peaceful river. It is so quiet except for the singing of the birds. Eventually, you begin to appreciate the mountains blanketed in the fresh spring green color and enjoy the flowers along the banks of the river. Occasionally, you make the sound “AoooooAiiiiii” when your heart merges with nature.

This piece is about a hermit enjoying his life in nature. It will be good for balancing the Wood element, releasing liver Qi stagnation, and cultivating compassion.


3.  PingShaLuoYan (Wild Geese Landing on the Sands) 

Wild geese are the symbol for spirit. It is said that Tang Dynasty poet Chen Zi’ang (661-702 CE) composed this song. It represents the spiritual cultivation state of vigor, vitality, and freedom.

This piece will be good for strengthening the Fire element, nourishing the heart, and lifting the spirit.


4.  YiGuRen (Thinking of Old Friends)

This song is about a hermit living on a mountain who begins to think about his old friends. During my personal retreat at Cloud Mountain Retreat Center, in Castle Rock, Washington, I played this song and realized that YiGuRen was thinking not only about his friends in his current life time but also about the ancient shamans and all Enlightened Beings.

This piece will be good for harmonizing the Earth element, taking care of the digestion function, and settling your soul into its home in your physical body.


5.  ShenRenChang (Speaking with Spirits)

It is said that more than four thousand years ago the ancient Chinese emperor Yao composed this piece to communicate with high-level spirits. The spirits would descend to help him when he was playing this song.

This piece will be good for synchronizing the Metal element, enhancing your breathing function, and communicating with your spiritual energy.


6.  LiuShui (Flowing Water)

This song was composed by one of ancient China’s most famous Qin players, Yu Boya, during the Warrior States (475-221BCE) period. One time, he was playing a song and a person listening nearby said, “Oh, now I know all about the mountain.” This person was named Zhong Ziqi. Then Yu Boya played a song that was more connected with the river and Zhong Ziqi said, “Now you are playing about the river.”  They became good friends and made plans to meet at the same time the following year. When Yu Boya returned the next year, he was met by Zhong Ziqi’s father, who told him of his son’s death the previous month. The musician sat down at his Qin and played this water song for his friend. Afterwards, he broke his instrument there as a sacrifice to his friend.

This song represents friendship on a deep level. This is good for tonifying the Water element and for strengthening the Kidney Qi and the spirit of the memory, which is the spiritual function of the Kidney.


7.  HuaXuYin (Story of the Mother of the First Shaman King FuXi)

About 5,000 years ago, a young maiden named HuaXu was visiting a place called Thunder Lake.  As she was walking in nature, she stepped on an immortal’s huge footprint, resonate with that energy, and become pregnant even though she was a virgin.  Later, she gave birth to FuXi, the first Shaman King.  This song is about the birth of FuXi.  It is said that King Wen composed this piece during his ten years in prison, where he wrote the new version of the Yijing, because he was able to resonate with the energy of FuXi.

This piece is good for connecting with ancestral energy and the spiritual energy of the Chinese Shamanic lineage.