Humans have always been drawn to create and admire art. In cultures around the world, art is widely held as life enhancing.
Daoist Arts can also hold special healing Qi (vital energy) within, if the artist has dedicated him or her self to the practice of cultivating and channeling Qi to be directly expressed through a chosen art form.
With decades of experience, Master Wu uses these diverse healing arts to help clients recover from sickness and/or restore a sense of balance and harmony to their lives:
This ancient art form holds its roots in the Chinese shamanic tradition.
For people who are interested in tapping into and strengthening their own internal healing powers, Master Wu offers various Daoist healing arts events, Qigong/Taiji classes, and Qigong/Taiji intensives to the general public, and also passes on his knowledge to participants in his retreats and long-term training programs.
Master Wu provides private consultations in each of the Daoist healing or movement arts to help support people through challenging times and to make specific life style recommendations that improve health, quality of life, relationships and business success.
If interested, please check the training schedule to see when he is next in your area and send us an email to set up your appointment!
If you are currently in the Stockholm, Sweden area and would like to make an appointment with Master Wu at his office at his Hälsans Hus Stockholm office, please email Master Wu.
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