Taiji, commonly translated as “supreme ultimate,” is a Daoist concept about the force of this universal creation, and is also the name of an internal Daoist Qigong and martial arts form that is practiced for physical training, health benefits and spiritual cultivation. The Yijing BaGua (“8 symbols”) are the building blocks of Daoist philosophy, internal martial arts and classical Chinese medicine and are used to represent the fundamental principles of the universe.
Passed directly from the Daoist Hidden Immortal Lineage, the eight movements of the Taiji Mother Form embody the philosophy of YinYang 陰陽, WuXing 五行, and BaGua 八卦of the Yijing易經 (I Ching). The slow, deliberate movements are precisely choreographed to create a relaxed mind-body dance that strengthens, stretches, and awakens the three bodies – Jing 精, Qi 氣, and Shen 神.
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