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Advanced XinYi BaGua in Avignon

June 7 @ 10:00 am - June 9 @ 5:00 pm CEST


XinYi 心意, or Heart-Mind internal alchemy and martial arts, holds its origins in the study of the Daoist Hidden Immortal Lineage. The principles of XinYi martial arts are the same as those of traditional Daoist Qigong practices (internal alchemy).

In this practice series, Master Zhongxian Wu explores the BaGua XinJing, the most secret practice from the legendary DaiShi XinYi Quan 戴氏心意拳 – Dai Family XinYi Internal Alchemy and Martial Arts School. This practice provides an essential resource that will help practitioners of all levels deepen into their practice, build strength and stamina, explore transformation through inner alchemical processes, and connect with the spiritual root of traditional Chinese mind-body arts.


June 7 @ 10:00 am CEST
June 9 @ 5:00 pm CEST
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