Due to his busy teaching schedule, Master Wu is only occasionally available for private training, at a rate of $300/hour. Discounted rates may apply to those seeking 5+ continuous hours of training, if they all take place within a one month time period.
If you are currently a student of Master Wu, he may be available for distance healing sessions, also at a rate of $300/hour.
If you do not live in Sweden and would like to book an in-person private training or healing session with Master Wu, please check the training schedule to see when he will next be in your area, then email with the details of your request. Due to his busy schedule, it is best to try to reserve your time several months in advance.
If you do live in Sweden and would like to book a healing session with Master Wu in Stockholm, please email Master Wu.
Attention international Qi friends! To place an order outside of the United States, please email Master Wu Dismiss